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Entries and Exits: Visits to Sixteen Trading Rooms

Entries & Exits takes you behind closed doors, into the trading rooms of sixteen private traders. They live in different countries, trade different markets, and use different methods, but all share a dedication to trading. Your guide on this journey is Dr. Alexander Elder, a bestselling author, professional trader, and practicing psychiatrist.

Each visit begins with a description of each trader's background and methods. He or she walks you through a winning and a losing trade, showing his or her signals on the charts, and explaining the reasoning behind them. After studying the entry, you are invited to decide whether that trade is likely to make or lose money. After you turn the page and see the exit, you learn how that trade worked out. Dr. Elder then shows you his charts for every trade and explains his analysis and decisions. At the end of each interview, he discusses a key aspect of trading, relevant to the trades you have just studied.

Entries & Exits provides an up-close and personal look at how real traders select trades and make decisions. You'll benefit from their hard-earned insights into trading psychology, analytic techniques, money management, record-keeping, and other essential aspects of successful trading. The book delivers a variety of concepts and techniques that will help you become a better trader tomorrow than you are today.

Study Guide for Entries & Exits

Be sure to work through the companion volume to Entries & Exits before you risk a dollar in the markets. The Study Guide contains 101 questions and answers, including twenty-five case studies. Each of them challenges you to focus on some essential aspect of successful trading.

There are seven chapters in this Study Guide—Organization, Psychology, Markets, Trading Tactics, Money Management and Record-Keeping, Case Studies, and Traders Speak. Each covers a major area of trading and offers you a rating scale, allowing you to measure your competence level. Now you can discover and fill any gaps in your knowledge without risking any money.

The answers in the back of the book provide detailed explanations of the right and wrong answers to the multiple-choice questions. A large number of those questions and the case histories in this Study Guide were contributed by traders interviewed in Entries & Exits, linking both books into a single, powerful tool for developing trading skills.

Use Dr. Elder's Study Guide together with Entries & Exits to make the most of your time as you learn to take advantage of market opportunities.



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